To conclude this contract with Tiguidoo you agree and affirm that you have reached the legal age of majority.

In the event that there is any inconsistency between the provisions of these general conditions and the applicable rules issued by the CRTC, the latter shall prevail.

The updated version of these terms and conditions can be viewed on the Tiguidoo website : or obtained by calling customer service at (514)360- 1720. 

The contract enters into force upon signature of these general conditions and remains in force until it has been terminated by either party.

The general conditions will be renewed for an indefinite period at the current rate and the customer may at any time, upon payment of the monthly service payments, if applicable, terminate the agreement.

In the event of changes to your contract:

The customer will receive a clear notification with the new price modified by Tiguidoo at least 30 days before the entry into force of the proposed modification, via the email address provided by the latter. Tiguidoo reserves the right to modify the price of its services at any time.

The customer can refuse this modification and request the termination of his subscription, by notifying Tiguidoo, in writing at the latest 30 days after the entry into force of the modification.

If the Customer does not come forward within the time limit, he will be deemed to have accepted the modification.

Means of payment :

By using a credit or debit card, a debit from your bank account will be made. The Customer expressly authorizes Tiguidoo to charge all agreed usage charges to such card, account or other payment method.

The customer agrees to pay all amounts due upon notification of overdue payment, by email to the email address provided by him, failing which the services may be suspended for collection; payable by the customer and the service will only be reactivated after payment of the fees due.


You are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions on the date on which you receive a copy of these conditions or on the date on which you access or use the services, unless otherwise provided by applicable law. You understand and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, now and for the future. You must not use the services if you do not accept them.


These general conditions are indefinite, therefore the services are provided to you continuously, from month to month. The term of your services begins on the date you accept these terms and conditions.


3.1. Package services. Each service to which you are subscribed, as well as its specific terms and conditions, are indicated in these present conditions and depend on the package chosen and the options selected, if applicable. The general terms and conditions that apply to the services are set out in these Terms and Conditions.

3.2. Additional services. You may purchase, add or use from time to time additional services or options not included in your plan. The rules applicable to adding, removing and modifying additional services include the following rules:

3.3. Installation services. When subscribing to certain residential services, we can install authorized Tiguidoo equipment. This installation service is used to connect your home to our network or to the network of a Tiguidoo partner service provider by connecting authorized Tiguidoo equipment to the equipment and outlets located in your home (e.g. wall outlets, cables, son, etc.). This service covers only surface work, which specifically excludes wiring work inside the walls. We are not responsible for installation problems caused by unauthorized equipment.


4. The price of each service to which you subscribe is monthly.

4.1. the price of the additional services or options is that indicated on our website or on the purchasing platform at the time of purchase, addition or use;

4.1.2. the price of the installation services is indicated on the General Conditions.

Summary of fees : 

Activation$ 130
Delivery charges$ 15


5.1. Billing. Your services are billed in advance on a monthly basis. You must pay all fees due upon receipt of your invoice according to the payment method you choose. The payment for the first monthly payment will be debited from your account when you purchase your package on our website according to the payment method you choose.

5.2. Default or late payment. If we have not received your payment within 21 days of the invoice date, we will charge you interest on the balance due from the invoice date, at the interest rate of 2% per month (24 % per year). We may also interrupt your service as provided for in the contract.

5.3. Additional costs . We may charge you additional fees to offset administrative charges or processing or service charges on your behalf (e.g. charges incurred for the collection of unpaid amounts or returned payments, or for suspension, disconnection or reactivation of services. ). The following charges may apply:

5.3.1. Account reactivation fee suspended for non-payment: $ 49;

5.3.2. Insufficient funds, returned payment or automatic debit refusal: $ 11.

5.4. Long distance . As soon as you enter into a home phone agreement with us, our long distance rates apply. The duration of a call is rounded up to the next minute from the first second. Our list of rates in effect for long distance calls is available on our website.


6.1. Authorized Tiguidoo equipment. Only equipment sold to you by Tiguidoo is authorized for use.

6.2. Warranty for purchased equipment. When we sell Tiguidoo Equipment to you, it is backed by a one-year manufacturer’s warranty for parts and labor from the date of activation or installation of the equipment. . If the Tiguidoo Equipment sold is defective due to a manufacturing defect, you must notify us before the warranty end date to be entitled to the manufacturer’s warranty. Manufacturer’s warranty does not apply if it is broken or made defective due to accident, force majeure, unauthorized modification, misuse or abuse. .

Please find below the list of equipment : 

EquipmentActual value
ZTE H268 Modem and Router$ 95
ZTE IPTV Box$ 85
Artis TM822G$ 80
Technicolor TC 4400 Modem$ 150

All accessories included with the loaned Tiguidoo Equipment (eg power supply, cables, remote controls, etc.) must also be returned within 15 days. After this period, if an accessory is not returned, the full amount of the equipment will be invoiced to you. The amont of $ 90 per material box will be billed by Tiguidoo and then refunded when the customer returns it fully and in good condition.

6.3. Unauthorized equipment. Any equipment that has not been sold by Tiguidoo is unauthorized and is excluded from the agreement (eg your own equipment). We make no warranty with respect to unauthorized equipment and you therefore assume the risks associated with the use of such equipment. The reasons why we take no responsibility for unauthorized equipment include:

6.3.1. Unauthorized equipment could be incompatible with the services provided by Tiguidoo for technical reasons;

6.3.2. Unauthorized equipment may not meet generally accepted safety standards;


7.1. Interruption or temporary slowdown of a service. In situations beyond our control such as:

7.1.1. limitations inherent in our network or the network of a partner service provider of Tiguidoo or delays and other limitations in the transmission of data and files caused by factors beyond our control or that of a partner service provider from Tiguidoo;

7.1.2. Failure of equipment or facilities belonging to other companies that affects our network or the network of a service provider partner of Tiguidoo (eg a power outage on the network);

7.1.3. misconduct by other companies which affects our network or the network of a service provider partner of Tiguidoo;

7.1.4. the transfer time of a connection from our network to the network of a service provider partner of Tiguidoo;

7.1.5. an order from the police or any other law enforcement agency that requires us to interrupt your services. Service restoration charges may then apply;

7.1.6. interruptions or slowdowns in services following maintenance work to ensure the proper functioning and improvement of our network or the network of a Tiguidoo partner (e.g. modification, update, relocation or repair of equipment) ;

7.1.7. to avoid Internet network congestion when your Tiguidoo modem sends a large amount of data, we can temporarily slow down your download speed (sending data, or upload) depending on your type of Internet access. As soon as the risk of congestion is removed, your speed is restored.

7.2 911 SERVICE

The Customer recognizes, accepts and understands that:

7.3. Content of TV channels. We do not have control over the channels, shows or other content offered by the TV channels or the providers of entertainment content. We are therefore not responsible for the quality of this content. We are also not responsible if these channels or providers modify or remove any content. We also have no control over programming changes that may occur at any time. For this reason, our schedule cannot always be updated on time and we cannot be held responsible for it. If a channel in your package is changed or removed, you have the right and the responsibility to replace it with another channel available in your subscription.


8.1. You are responsible for taking appropriate measures to protect your data, privacy, Internet access and equipment. We do not guarantee the security of your data, files, privacy, Internet access and equipment. These safeguards can help you avoid the following problems:

8.1.1. data or files corrupted, intercepted, lost or destroyed by intrusion or otherwise;

8.1.2. damage caused by viewing, downloading or any other use of content by the services offered;

8.1.3. damage resulting from a modification of the configuration of the software or a computer virus;

8.1.4. lost programs, data or other information that had been backed up or kept in equipment.


9.1. Responsibility for equipment . You must assume the risks associated with the use of unauthorized equipment and those associated with the use of Tiguidoo Equipment, even when used by someone other than yourself (including costs and damage this can cause).

9.2. Minimum configurations . You must respect the minimum equipment configurations, including software and programs, in order to avoid security breaches that could affect the Tiguidoo network or the network of a Tiguidoo partner service provider (e.g. updating your Internet search browser when an update is offered).

9.3. Use of equipment . You must adhere to the following usage requirements:

9.3.1. not to use Tiguidoo Equipment at an address other than the one where the services are provided;

9.3.2. protect and secure Tiguidoo Equipment, and use it with care, caution and diligence;

9.3.3. not modify or alter any equipment and software connected to our network or to the network of a service provider partner of Tiguidoo, including their configuration;

9.3.4. not assign or otherwise transfer, without our permission, the Tiguidoo Equipment;

9.3.5. comply with applicable regulations and any other requirements on our part;

9.3.6. not to use or allow Tiguidoo Equipment to be used in an illegal or abusive manner (e.g. if the use of the services is unreasonable or disproportionate, if it endangers the services or our network or that of a provider of partner services of Tiguidoo, if it harms us or if it harms any other person).


10.1. Access to the home. You agree to allow us access to your home or any other place where the services are or will be provided, during our usual opening hours, to allow us:

10.1.1. install, inspect, repair or maintain any equipment connected to our network or that of a service provider partner of Tiguidoo;

10.1.2. to resolve a failure or any other problem affecting the network;

10.1.3. to ensure that your commitments or our obligations are respected.

10.2. Permission to enter . Our representative must obtain your permission before entering your home, unless there is an emergency or if a judge has given him written permission to enter without your permission. At your request, our representative must show you the identity card that we have issued to him.


11.1. Responsibility for use . You must assume the risks associated with the use of the services, even when they are used by someone other than yourself (including the costs and damages this may cause).

11.2. Personal use . You must use the Services and Content for your personal purposes only and not for commercial purposes or in connection with the operation of a business. You must not resell or offer the services to others, with or without consideration. You must not share your passwords. You must also not modify, rent, lend, sell or distribute any content to which you have had access through the services offered or create derivative works based on such content. For these reasons, certain functionalities (including certain incoming TCP or UDP ports) normally associated with commercial use could be blocked on Tiguidoo Equipment.

11.3. Prohibited uses. You must not use or allow the Services (unlimited or not) to be used in an illegal or abusive manner, in which case the terms of Section 16.5 may apply. For example, you are prohibited from:

11.3.1. to use the services (unlimited or not) unreasonably or disproportionately, so as to jeopardize the services, our network or the network of a service provider partner of Tiguidoo (including by hosting a node , gateway or TOR relay or any other superimposed computer network), or if it harms us or if it harms any other person (including by preventing fair and proportionate use by others) or if it is in violation of the laws;

11.3.2. to use the services, or to allow or facilitate their use for an illegal purpose, for the purposes of a criminal or civil offense or a violation of intellectual property rights, for the purposes of harassment (including disruptive, intimidating, intrusive or offensive transmissions or calls), or in a manner that violates any law or regulation or the policies of an Internet host;

11.3.3. allow or facilitate the transmission of unsolicited messages such as e-mail or phishing;

11.3.4. upload or download, make available, transmit, display, publish, disseminate, receive, retrieve, store or link or otherwise reproduce, offer, distribute, allow access or make accessible information, software, records or any other content which: (i) is confidential or protected by copyright or any other intellectual property right, without obtaining the prior authorization of the holder of these rights; (ii) is defamatory, discriminatory, violent or obscene, which contains child pornography or hate propaganda; or (iii) constitutes an invasion of privacy, tampering, appropriation of personality or any other such act;

11.3.5. to use the Services for any purpose other than private, personal, family or household use (for example, for the purpose of resale, relaunching on the market, transferring, sharing or receiving fees or other advantages for using an Internet Service);

11.3.6. attempt to receive services without paying applicable fees, modify or disassemble Tiguidoo Equipment, attempt to bypass Tiguidoo’s network or the network of a Tiguidoo partner service provider, or restructure, disconnect, remove , repair or otherwise disrupt the services or the Tiguidoo Equipment;

11.3.7. adapt, reproduce, translate, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise disrupt any software, applications or programs used in connection with the services (which are owned or used under license by Tiguidoo ) for any other purpose, including “testing” or research; or to modify, alter or disguise the trademarks or other elements of intellectual property to which you have access through the services or to use any indemnity or intellectual property other than for the express purposes for which you have access to this property intellectual within the framework of services;

11.3.8. display or transmit any information or software containing a virus, cancellation robot, Trojan program, worm or other destructive or disruptive component or propose any action likely to compromise the security of your Internet host in any way (including analyzing or penetrating a host’s security mechanisms);

11.3.9. to have, towards employees, suppliers, agents or representatives of Tiguidoo, comments or gestures constituting harassment or mistreatment, verbal, written or otherwise. 11.4. Verification of usage. We may monitor or investigate your use of the Services or your use of our or that of one of our partners, including bandwidth consumption and its impact on the operation and efficiency of the network. and services


The customer may, at any time and at his discretion, terminate the contract by sending a notice to Tiguidoo. This automatic termination takes effect from the transmission of this notice or on the date indicated in this notice by the customer. No termination indemnity can be requested if the customer has a duration greater than or equal to twelve months. Otherwise, the customer will have to pay a cancellation fee of $ 50.


13.1. We may collect, use and store the following personal information:

13.1.1. your name and contact details (eg address, phone numbers, email addresses);

 13.1.2. your credit information;

13.1.3. your date of birth, sex and marital status;

13.1.4. any other information that identifies you or any other information described in our privacy policy available on our website.

13.2. We may collect this information from you or from other people and organizations, if you consent to it or if the law allows us to do so. You agree to provide us with accurate and complete information, and to notify us of any change during the term of your contract (eg move, change of email address).

13.3. At the time of entering into your contract, you authorize us to obtain, from financial institutions and other relevant information agencies, the personal information necessary to verify whether you represent a financial risk. You also authorize us to send them any personal information required for this purpose. You can authorize us to repeat such checks to periodically monitor the financial risk you represent throughout the term of your contract. Finally, you can authorize people acting on our behalf to obtain and transmit such information for these same purposes. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us.

13.4. You give us the right to collect, use and retain your personal information for the following reasons:

13.4.1. establish, develop and maintain business relationships with you;

13.4.2. know your interests, your needs, your expectations and your preferences in order to enrich our products and services, and to offer you new ones;

13.4.3. detect and prevent possible fraud or illegal, inadequate or inappropriate use of our products and services;

13.4.4. bill for the products and services you have requested, provide you with such products and services and collect payment for them;

13.4.5. assess whether you represent a financial risk before entering into a contract with you, and periodically monitor this risk during the term of your contract;

16.4.6. conduct commercial or philanthropic prospecting by including your name, address and telephone number in our list of names of clients, and communicate this list to companies in our group for the same purpose. You can always request that your personal information be removed from this list by contacting our customer service;

13.4.7. comply with applicable laws and regulations. We are committed to using your personal information within the limits imposed by law and to keep it only if it is necessary or useful for one of the reasons mentioned above. We are also committed to ensuring the confidentiality of your personal information by means of security measures adapted to the medium and the sensitivity of this information.

13.5. Your personal information is confidential. We must therefore obtain your express consent before communicating them to anyone. Your consent will be considered express if you give us:

13.5.1. written consent;

13.5.2. electronic confirmation via the Internet or by calling a toll-free number;

13.5.3. verbal confirmation, whether an audio recording is kept by us or by an independent third party;

13.5.4. any other type of consent evidenced by reliable documentary evidence that you or someone else objectively creates.

13.6. We do not need to obtain your consent if your information is already publicly available, or if a court requires that your information be disclosed to a person, organization or business. We also do not need to obtain your consent if a law or regulation allows us to disclose your information to individuals, organizations or businesses without your consent or requires us to do so. In particular, we are allowed to communicate them to the following people:

13.6.1. a person who is your agent or whom we consider to be your agent based on a reasonable analysis of the circumstances;

13.6.2. our agent whose mandate is to obtain payment of the amounts you owe us. Your information must be necessary to carry out his mandate and he must agree to use your information only for that purpose;

13.6.3. a provider of communications or information technology services, such as networks, software, storage systems and data management. Your information must be necessary for us to provide the services. The supplier must undertake to use your information only for this purpose and to ensure its confidentiality;

16.6.4. a supplier who provides you services related to telephone or telephone directory. Your information should be required to provide such services. The supplier must agree to only use your information for this purpose and ensure confidentiality;

13.6.5. a Tiguidoo affiliate that provides communication services to you. Your information must be necessary to provide such services. The company must undertake to use your information only for this purpose and to ensure its confidentiality;

13.6.6. an organization or person who has the power to force us to disclose your personal information. Your information should be requested as part of their duties;

13.6.7. an organization that has a responsibility under a law to prevent, detect or suppress crime or breaches of laws. Your information must be necessary for the prosecution of an offense and be requested in the performance of the functions of the organization;

13.6.8. a public authority or its agent who deems to be in a situation of emergency public alert. They must need your information to avoid or minimize an imminent danger to the life, health or safety of a person;

13.7. Partners outside of Canada. When we use the services of companies located outside of Canada to provide the services to you, we require that these companies maintain the confidentiality and security of your personal information in accordance with the standards set out in the Privacy Act and the electronic documents, in particular through contracts in which they undertake to do so. On the other hand, when your information is stored or processed outside Canada, it is subject to foreign laws which could allow, despite our contracts, that your information be communicated to the authorities of the countries in question.

13.8 . Access to information . You can request access to your personal information at any time, in writing. We must make them available to you no later than 30 days after receiving your request. Any request or complaint regarding your personal information should be addressed in writing to the Privacy Officer and sent to the following address: 301-358 rue Jackson, Québec (Québec) G1N 4C5.


14.1. You can change your monthly plan up to 48 hours before the end of your payment cycle. The changes will take effect from the next payment cycle. Please note that :

14.1.1. you will only be able to modify your package for terms offered in packages available at that time, and your old package may no longer be available or may no longer be offered under the same conditions thereafter;

14.1.2. some discounts or promotions may no longer apply as a result of the change (eg certain services or options that were included in your old package may be billed with your new package or may no longer be available);

14.1.3. in the case of a data transfer, these will take the attributes of your new package.

14.2. At any time, you can end your contract by completing an unsubscribe request on our website.

14.3. When you cancel one or more of the services included in the plan during a payment cycle, you will receive a refund prorated on the remaining days for the monthly fees paid at the start of the payment cycle, excluding Additional Services and Services. installation, if applicable.

14.4. At any time, we can modify your contract, including the price and the nature of the services offered. We must notify you of any change at least 30 days before it comes into effect, by a notice that deals only with that subject. This notice must clearly and legibly indicate:

14.4.1. the information added to your contract, or the amended clause with its original version;

14.4.2. the date of entry into force of the amendment;

14.4.3. any other information required by law or regulations. If the modification has the effect of increasing the scope of your commitments or reducing our obligations, you can refuse this modification and terminate your contract free of charge. In all cases, you remain responsible for paying the price of the services provided until the day your contract ends. No other declaration (written or verbal) can modify this contract.

14.5. Before terminating your contract, we must notify you at least 60 days in advance. You will be notified 14 days in advance (this period may also be shorter if we have a suspicion that your use of the services is not in accordance with our policies or applicable law) if we terminate your contract or discontinue your services because you have not respected one of your commitments provided for in the contract (eg if you do not pay the amounts due to us on time). You will not receive any notice of termination of the contract in the following cases:

14.5.1. we must take immediate action to protect our network or that of our partners;

14.5.2. the services or equipment are used in an abusive or fraudulent manner, including our customer service

14.7. Contract in French. You receive your contract in French because you requested it. You have asked that this agreement and all documents forming part there of be drawn out in the French language, but if you would prefer to have your agreement in English, please contact our customer support.


15.1 We may transfer or assign part or all of your contract (including any rights to accounts that you must pay) at any time without notice and without your consent. You may not transfer or assign your contract, your account, the services we provide or the Tiguidoo Equipment without first obtaining our written consent, which will be subject to certain conditions precedent, including a credit check. satisfactory from the transferee.


16.1 If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with our services, you can contact our customer service at any time. For information on our complaints procedure, you can visit our website. If you are not satisfied with the proposed contract, you can contact the Commission for Complaints Relating to Telecom-Television Services at